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Robust positioning technique based on sparse assumption
ZHANG Xin, CUI Xiao wei, FENG Zhen ming
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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A new fault detection and elimination algorithm based on sparse assumption was proposed in order to obtain robust positioning results when multiple blunders exist in pseudo ranges. The algorithm can calculate the error for each range measurement under the sparse constraint on the number of blunders by applying the projection from range error to the residuals. The calculated errors were used to modify the primary positioning result, and the robust positioning result was obtained. Simulations were performed in various numbers of visible satellites as well as blunders. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed method to detect multiple blunders and the ability to improve the positioning accuracy when there are enough visible satellites.

Published: 29 October 2015
CLC:  TN 967  
Cite this article:

ZHANG Xin, CUI Xiao wei, FENG Zhen ming. Robust positioning technique based on sparse assumption. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2015, 49(10): 1924-1928.

URL: 973X.2015.10.014     OR



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